• Neon Angel (2016)

    Neon Genesis Evangelion (Anime) - TV Tropes. The event annihilated Antarctica (which caused global flooding) and shifted the planet's axis (which caused global climate change). The resulting geopolitical unrest caused several devastating wars, some of which went nuclear; when peace was finally reestablished, half of Earth's human population had perished.

    Fifteen years later, fourteen- year- old Shinji Ikari finds himself summoned to the fortress city of Tokyo- 3 by his estranged father, Gendou, for a single purpose: to pilot a Humongous Mecha called an Evangelion and battle physics- defying beings known as Angels, which threaten to destroy what remains of humanity (though the show does not explain exactly how they plan to do so, and for what reason, until much later). What starts off as a relatively standard Humongous Mecha premise, over the course of the series, gradually transforms into a dramatic character study rife with psychological analysis, religious references, genre deconstruction, social commentary, and exploration of themes such as societal alienation, depression, and the repressive pain of human subjectivity. Prior to Evangelion, people considered this approach unprecedented and revolutionary — and after Evangelion's runaway success, numerous other anime producers created shows with a similar approach (with varying degrees of success). Rife with budget, sponsorship, and censorship issues, the series was pushed from its original children's viewing block to a more adult- oriented timeslot, contributing to its incredible popularity.

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    Nevertheless, as the series' end approached, Gainax struggled with a production schedule that had been completely derailed and a budget that had been run more or less into the ground. The studio decided to cut their losses and threw out their original plans for the two- part finale, instead rewriting it to (apparently) take place inside the minds of the main characters and use Limited Animation. However, more budget issues cut the film short, and the 2. Neon Genesis Evangelion: Death and Rebirth (the first act being a 7.

    Neon Genesis Evangelion (Shin Seiki Evangelion) is a 26-episode science fiction/action/drama anime series by Studio Gainax which aired on Japanese television in 1995-96. Politics and news aside, the cultural world in and of itself was. Halloween Costumes 2016 Find this year's most unique Halloween costumes, accessories, and decorations in our curated list of everything spooky. Several manga series have been developed based on the Neon Genesis Evangelion anime series created by Gainax. While the first manga is a direct adaptation of the.

    Clip Show that summarizes the first 2. TV series). Eventually, Gainax was able to complete the rest of . Anno has since come to fully own it, even as it's spun off into numerous adaptations which either play on the themes of the anime or ignore them to varying degrees.

    Also, the series' confusing and controversial ending (and the ending of The End of Evangelion to a slightly lesser degree) became the first instance of what would come to be known as the Gainax Ending, as the studio embraced what had been brought about by Evangelion's budget shortages and made it a cornerstone of their later works. Plans for a Live- Action Adaptation were announced by ADV Films and WETA back in May 2. However, outside of concept art, the film has since been languishing in Development Hell, with the most recent developments (Gainax withdrawing ADV's rights to adapting the material and ADV in turn suing Gainax for the withdrawal) indicating that the project is pretty much dead in the water. Fans have noted that the movie Pacific Rim is a Spiritual Licensee of the series (albeit one with less focus on psychological drama), and may be the closest thing to a live- action adaptation that the series could receive. A crossover with the Transformers franchise has also been released. See here for more information about the Evangelion franchise as a whole.

    The Neon Genesis Evangelion franchise serves as the Trope Namer for the following tropes: Assimilation Plot: Used to be called . Ironically, Shinji ends up in the NERV medical ward so often it eventually becomes a familiar ceiling. Zettai Ryouiki: Literally .

    While it's said that they're . In supplemental material, and if you watch close enough, it turns out the Evas are almost entirely organic, with their armor and the entry plug mechanisms being the only mechanical pieces. They are essentially clones of the first Angel, Adam, implanted with the souls of the pilot's mothers (save for Unit 0. Rei has no mother). Ancient Conspiracy: SEELE, Omniscient Council Of Vagueness that it is, has led one for an undefined amount of time, ever since the Dead Sea Scrolls were discovered. By following the Scrolls' predictions and manipulating everyone in their path, their goal is to bring about the Human Instrumentality Project via Third Impact, effectively bringing about the entire series because of it. Apocalypse How: Second Impact was a Planetary event that bordered on Societal Collapse.

    The explosion melted the Antarctic ice cap and shifted the Earth's axis; coastal regions were flooded, and the entire ecosphere was thrown into chaos. Wars broke out, some going nuclear; many species went extinct; the oceans around Antarctica are completely dead; and roughly half of humanity is dead. The driving force behind the creation of NERV is that Third Impact, if initiated by an Angel, will raise the severity to Total Extinction.

    Applied Phlebotinum: The AT Fields and the LCL, whose nature is barely explored, and, to a lesser extent, bakelite. Artistic License: Misato having a RHD Renault A3. Can be justified that she probably had brought the automobile to a professional car shop that converted the vehicle from LHD to RHD and from gas to electric. Bath of Poverty: Asuka, who suffered a mental breakdown after being Mind Raped by an Angel and ceased being able to pilot her Eva, is found by NERV personnel in a destroyed house sitting in a tub filled with nasty brown water..

    Things just keep getting worse for her from there. Behemoth Battle: The eponymous Evangelions are used by NERV to fight Angels, which resemble weirdgiant aliens with no uniform appearance. The only thing that qualifies them as . Defense systems surround the city, buildings can retract underground, and there are structures holding scaled- up weapons to support the EVAs.

    Driving Question: Many, but possibly the biggest one is the nature of the Evas, which is also the closest one to getting a straight answer. Drop the Hammer: Jet Alone Prime's primary weapon. The End of the World as We Know It: What apparently happens if an Angel ever merges with Adam.

    It happens anyway, but through other means. All sentient life is seemingly reduced into LCL, their souls joining together and forming a Hive Mind. Evil Only Has to Win Once: Should an Angel ever manage to penetrate into the depths of Tokyo- 3 and manage to merge with Adam, the need for protection will be rendered moot. Exact Time to Failure: The Evas can run for precisely 5 minutes disconnected from their power cord..

    It's also used a few other times to add drama to incoming disasters. It's Always Spring: Justified. The Second Impact caused a dramatic shift in the Earth's axis, not only causing worldwide environmental damage, but also forcing significant climate changes (Japan, like the rest of the planet, is now trapped within an eternal Heat Wave). The End takes place on December 3. Shinji first arrived in Tokyo- 3, some months earlier.

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