• I`M Every Woman (2015)

    Ten Must Read Books for every Christian Woman. Last week I asked. Today I’d like to share my. These are books I consider essential reading for any Christian woman. They have all changed me in some profound way. Although I would like to be able to list them in order of “profoundness,” I, of course, cannot.

    Yun in passing one day in a parking lot. At the time, we had no idea who he was. Jackson turned to me afterwards and said, “I felt the presence of God in that man like I’ve never felt before. Did you feel the same thing?!”About a year later, we saw this man’s face on his. Yun as one “poor in spirit.” We know what scripture says about those.? Can I just say that reading through it.

    The 199 Most Donald Trump Things Donald Trump Has Ever Said. Would you vote for this man?

    Your suggestion to not forget to kill your wife is sort of repugnant, several times in our marriage that started on January second 1982 My husband has nearly done. Created by Simon Rich. With Jay Baruchel, Eric Andr. A naive romantic goes on a desperate quest for love when his longtime girlfriend dumps.

    You will not regret reading this book. That’s a guarantee. Admission: I’m not much of a fiction fan. I can’t remember the last time I read a fictional book but Francine Rivers? And this particular title? Oh my goodness, it truly is a must read, fiction or not. He gives her a chance for a new life.

    Nice ending, right? She stays for awhile, then leaves him to return to prostitution. It will open your heart and show you God’s love for you?

    Just in case that person exists, I’ll give a quick summary. Challenged to give thanks. Told in a riveting, poetical way.

    I believe Ann delivers a God- given message in this book. That’s what happened to me while reading this book. Particularly when I read Bridges description of the workers in the vineyard (Matthew 2. It isn’t often that I cry reading a non- fiction book, LOL!

    But I did on this one. It’s that moving. Two things stand out about this book. First, the simple truth that we women are susceptible to believe lies while.

    Until reading this book, I had never really questioned any of my internal dialogue. Never questioned what I’d been taught in church. Never questioned what others said about me. Never questioned my internal chatter. I never realized that I was probably, in some way, listening to lies. This book changed all that. The second thing about this book is Nancy’s ability to pin point and state common lies we believe as women.

    She has done so much legwork in helping us identify common darts of the enemy (who is out to deceive us.) He’s been doing it a long time~ it started with Eve in the garden. This is a book you’ll appreciate more with time and will mark, underline, and dog- ear. Speaking of lies, many of the lies I’m prone to believe are in some way related to/ produce shame.

    When shame has it’s nasty tentacles deep in your spirit, you don’t need some humanistic “You’re good enough!” message piped into your ears day in and day out. I know our current Christian culture loves to give these empty accolades and tells us to just believe these pithy little statements about ourselves and we’ll be okay. But as one who really struggles with the sinful temptation to listen to shame and let it silence me, I can say that many of the messages we hear. They are devoid of any power to truly slay the spiritual force of darkness behind ungodly shame. It gave me truth to know how to differentiate between the two.

    It is not a quick gloss- over message to just love yourself because you are great (Whee, smiles, hooplah!!!) Rather, it is solid truth rooted in the work and words of Jesus. Sometimes we can get so bogged down by life and by our own issues (like shame, lol) that we forget to enjoy simple things. Seuss and snuggles on the couch with our favorite people. And sometimes a kid’s book can be therapeutic.

    This particular one is a favorite because of it’s message. It reminds me that there WILL be hard things in life. There WILL be times of great loneliness and times of facing my deepest fears.

    There will be hangups and mess ups and dark alleys and long stretches. There WILL be times of waiting. Seuss says so, either. And just in case that isn’t enough for you, check out this scripture from Isaiah 4. So this little book reminds me of great spiritual truth and does it in a delightful, colorful way.

    Yes, I recommend reading it and letting it remind you of Truth? His writing is riveting for all ages. My younger kids enjoy his books and my husband and I do too.

    We first listened to this book on dramatized audio while taking a road trip. No one wanted to stop for bathroom or lunch breaks!! Now that’s an idea for saving money while trekking across the US! Chuck has a way of using story to communicate deep spiritual truths. What I found so profound.

    We all struggle with it to varying degrees and Chuck does an incredible job of showing how we are trained to battle it through the Word of God. I highly recommend this book. Drama at it’s best!

    I was undoubtedly late to the party on this one. I wasn’t interested in reading this book until God began to transform my rigid, moral, legalistic version of Christianity with taste after taste of His grace. And no, I had no idea I was rigid and legalistic! I grabbed it, started to read it and ended up devouring it. This book gives glimpse after beautiful glimpse of God’s Amazing Grace. If your soul needs healing from religion, this book is? I don’t know, I’ll let you decide.

    This book has a morning and evening scripture compilation reading. Each one is only a couple paragraphs long and the content is. This one little book has perhaps ministered to me most out of all books other than the Bible itself. I guess that is to be expected since it is the Word of God, just in a different format. Okay, that’s it for now (although there are many more I love!).

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